Composing Java Interfaces Using Generics

A few months ago I noticed an interesting aspect of the Java programming language. Everyone knows that a certain class can implement multiple interfaces in Java, but how would you specify in client code that you expect an instance of an object that implements multiple interfaces, without using the concrete type?

Say for example that you create a QueueSet class which implements both Queue<T> and Set<T>.

public class QueueSet<T> implements Queue<T>, Set<T> {
  // methods required by Queue and Set

Now, some client code needs such a QueueSet<T>. What are its options? It could require an instance of QueueSet<T> in the method signature...

public <T> void foo(QueueSet<T> queueSet) {}

It works, but if foo is itself part of a library, it would want to be as generic as possible, and as such depend on an interface rather than a concrete class. The obvious answer for this problem is to make QueueSet an interface, and rename the initial concrete class to something else.

public interface QueueSet<T> extends Queue<T>, Set<T> {}

public class PeculiarQueueSet<T> implements QueueSet<T> {
  // methods required by QueueSet, i.e. Queue and Set

The problem here is that any other class that implements Queue<T> and Set<T>, but doesn't implement QueueSet<T>, won't satisfy the type signature of foo. It's a shame that we had to create a wrapper interface just for this. It would have been better to be able to specify inside foo, that the queueSet parameter is expected to be an instance of an object that implements both Queue<T> and Set<T>, without any additional wrapper interface. Something like this:

public <T> void foo(Queue<T> and Set<T> queueSet) {}

The idea came to me from Haskell's typeclasses, which allow a notation similar to the one above when you want to enforce a particular type variable to be an instance of multiple typeclasses.

foo :: (Ord a, Show a) -> [a] -> [a]
foo list = -- implementation

So, my first thought was that Java does not permit this level of abstraction, but I was wrong. A couple of days ago, while playing with some generics, I rediscovered that Java's generics allow multiple bounded type parameters. So, the generic version of foo that satisfies our needs would be this:

public <T, QS extends Queue<T> & Set<T>> void foo(QS queueSet) {}

My wishful thinking about Queue<T> and Set<T> transformed into QS extends Queue<T> & Set<T>. You can rename QS to whatever you want. I chose a two letter type variable as a means to convey that it uses multiple type bounds, i.e., both Queue<T> and Set<T>.

Regarding the syntax. Well, yes, I agree it is unnecessarily verbose, but at least it's possible. Although, on a second thought, the real problem is that the type declarations are interleaved with the method name and the formal parameter names. Haskell code seems more legible, to me at least, just because it separates the function signature from its implementation.
