
  1. Mathematics is a Natural Science
  2. join — My Favorite Unix Command, Probably
  3. Unicode vs UTF-8
  4. A Safe Type-Indexed Set for Standard ML, Errata
  5. A Safe Type-Indexed Set for Standard ML
  6. Modularity à la ML (slides)
  7. On Determinism and Free Will
  8. Calculating an Object Graph's Size on the JVM
  9. Run a single specs2 example from sbt
  10. Contravariant Functors — An Intuition
  11. Dependencies and Modules in Scala
  12. Explore JVM Libraries in a Quick sbt Session
  13. Scala's flatMap is not Haskell's >>=
  14. Commonly Used List Processing Functions in FP
  15. How Inheritance Violates Encapsulation
  16. Composing Java Interfaces Using Generics
  17. On Life and Evolution
  18. Clojure Impressions
  19. Understanding Monads With JavaScript
  20. How to Associate TextMate With CoffeeScript Files
  21. Deriving the Y Combinator in 7 Easy Steps
  22. How to install Memcached functions for MySQL
  23. PLAI - Rudimentary Interpreters
  24. PLAI - Chapter I
  25. Git's environment filter
  26. CSS for Firefox only
  27. JScript deviations from ECMAScript 3
  28. Lambdas and closures in PHP 5.3
  29. What's new in PHP 5.3
  30. Komodo Edit dark theme
  31. XHTML no matter what
  32. PHP's ErrorException class
  33. Change default sort order in Mozilla Thunderbird
  34. MySQL transliteration function
  35. Ajax file upload with pure JavaScript
  36. My first contribution to an open source project
  37. How not to use dates in PHP
  38. MVC example from real, biological life
  39. How to install Python libraries on Windows
  40. Assessing Google Chrome